Giving is at the heart of who we are

We see generosity as a privilege, following the example of Jesus, who first showed generosity to us. Join Scenic Hill Church in our mission to make a difference in our community and the world.

What are tithe & offerings?

1. Tithe

Tithe is holy and belongs to the Lord, the owner of all our material possessions and very lives (Levitcus 27:30).

God commands us to return a tithe, the first ten percent of our income. Returning tithe helps to support the spreading of the gospel by supporting pastors, education, and evangelism. Learn more about how tithe is allocated.

2. Offerings

Offerings are anything you choose to give beyond your tithe. It is an expression of gratitude to God for His blessings and a way to bless the local and world community.

Offerings support church needs, including ministries, operations, and community outreach.

3. From the Bible

Returning tithe and offerings is mentioned several times throughout the Bible. For example, Abraham gave a tithe to the priest Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20), and a widow gave an offering of two copper coins at the temple, earning Jesus’s recognition (Luke 21:1-4). Additionally, Malachi 3:8-12 shows that returning a tithe is an act of worship, that we trust God to provide for us, not ourselves.


4. Why Give

As Christians, we are to be stewards of what God has entrusted to us, whether it is money, time, possessions, or abilities. When we exercise good stewardship, we remind ourselves that God is the ultimate Provider. Giving helps us grow in faithfulness and loyalty to God while also allowing us to practice accountability and trust when using the blessings God gives us.

5. How Much to Give

For tithe, the biblical directive is to return 10% of our income to the Lord. For Offerings, we give as the Lord has blessed us from a grateful heart.

For further guidance, refer to the Personal Giving Plan, which outlines suggested amounts to support each offering category.

6. Where It Goes

A majority of your tithe and offerings support your local community while also furthering the world church’s mission of spreading the gospel. Tithe specifically supports our pastors, educators, administrators, and evangelists in their work. Offerings support the local church, region, and world needs in ministry, operations, and education. Learn more about how donations are allocated.